Friday, July 25, 2008

RGV delivers yet another flop:Contract review

Surprise surprise.. just when we thought RGV was getting back on track aftera series of blunders with Sarkar Raj,he manages to deliver het another of hisnumerous misadventures. Unfortunately for him,the purple patch hasnt lastedfor long.the story of Contract seems really monotonous,especially becauseit comes from the RGV stable.I mean,how many times havent we seen two gangsfight out for the top spot.Poor casting and dragging screenplay add to thewoes of the movie.

Contract is about army man Aman Malik for whom family comes before nation onthe list of priorities.Aman is happy with his simple life with his wife anddaughter and even turns down an offer from the police to join hands in helping them capture menacing terrorist Sultan (a la Osama).But as life would have ittragedy strikes with Sultan being is cause.Driven by rage for badla our happyfamily man turns into angry young man and joins hands with the devoted policeofficer.Together they device a plan for Aman to enter the underworld.Amanturns into Amaan and takes the underworld by storm by killing the mostpowerful goonda of Mumbai jail AK Rao.Impressed by Amaan' antics Sultan' acquanitance R.D recruits him into his gang.Then Amaan goes on a killingspree and kills almost all of R.D' dushmans.The fear of loosing his newrecruit grips R.D and hence Amaan is flown out of India.A few more antics overthere and Amaan gains access to Sultan.How he ends Sultan' reign forms therest of the story.

Except for a few moments of brilliance from Zakir Hussain (Sultan), thereis absolutely no commendable performance in the movie.Gunga and his typicalMaharastrian wife are too loud and actually get on your nerves in a few scenes.The debutant lead tries hard to make an impact but is not veryimpressive either.Music is not too surprisingly horendous.And i must say that RGV has lost the plot.In his attempt to recreate the magic of Satya andCompany he is failling time and again.Buck up RGV.Please give us bettercinema.But i do like one thing about this movie.. there are no irritating Nisha Kotari' :-).

Rating: 1.5/5

Flaws:1)In the temple scene after the bombing, how come the three year old girlturns into monkey man.She has really hairy legs...???2)In the jet ski scene it is shown that Amaan was clinging on to the jet skito get access to the rival boat.But how come there is nobody seen on the jetski when pretty girl Iya is flying it over the waves and going on jolly roundsaround the boat.....????3)In the climax seen where our (serial killer) hero does some unbelievablyamazing shooting (i say this because u see that in every scene of the climaxour hero shoots the bad guys way before they even pick up their guns... phewthats fast...) how come one of the gang members is firing bullets into thinair.As far as i saw there was nothing in the direction except for a brick wall.and eventually he ends up getting shot on the back and ofcourse no prizes forguessing... he dies...

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